How to Prepare for a Pediatric Eye Exam

How to Prepare for a Pediatric Eye Exam

How to Prepare for a Pediatric Eye Exam

How to Prepare for a Pediatric Eye Exam

How to Prepare for a Pediatric Eye Exam

Scheduling regular eye exams for your child is crucial for good eye health. The exams can help ensure your child's vision and eyes develop well. They can allow doctors to detect eye issues early, which is vital for effective treatment or management. Preparing your child for an eye exam will help ensure that everything goes according to plan. Find out how to prepare for a pediatric eye exam. 

Scheduling Pediatric Eye Exams 

A pediatric eye doctor should monitor your child's ocular health and visual function. Scheduling regular exams are vital, even if your child may not have eye issues. Eye health professionals recommend that the first eye exam be conducted when the child is between six to 12 months.

The second should be at three years, and the next when the child is five or six. After seven years, you should schedule annual pediatric eye exams. 

Pediatric Eye Exam for Your Infant 

If the pediatrician suspects your child has an eye issue, the eye doctor will conduct an exam. If your child is below one year, they may not understand what is happening during the pediatric eye exam.

At this age, the doctor will check the child's vision, how the eyes move, and whether they are properly aligned. Checking how the eyes react to light and darkness is vital. Preparing your baby for the exam involves ensuring they are calm and relaxed. 

Eye Exams for Three to Five Years 

To prepare your toddler for a pediatric eye exam:

  • Try to explain what will happen during the visit.

  • Use simple language to explain how the doctor will check the child's eyes.

  • Make sure they understand they need to identify letters, shapes, or pictures on the wall. You can practice the vision test at home.

  • Explain to the child that the doctor may need to put eye drops in the eyes.

  • Reassure your child and let them know that while it may sting a little, it will not hurt. 

Exams for School-going Children

Your school-going child is old enough to understand some of the details of an eye exam but will still need reassurance. Prepare the child by going through what the tests entail. The child can identify pictures, letters, and numbers on the eye chart.

The screening will help correct poor visual acuity. The doctor will look for signs of amblyopia, or lazy eye, which is common among children. The condition that causes vision problems is treatable when detected early. 

Tips to Prepare for a Pediatric Exam

How you prepare your child for an eye exam will determine how easy it will be. Knowing what to expect will help alleviate stress.

·      Make sure that your child knows the eye doctor wants to help.

·      Explain to them what the visit entails and how it differs from other medical visits.

·      Carry your toddler's favorite toy or stuffed animal to provide comfort.

·      Choose the right time to schedule the exam—preferably when the child is well rested. 

·      Assure the child you will be right there throughout the process. 

·      Clarify that the exams will continue annually as the child gets older.

If your child has an eye or vision issue, the doctor may recommend more frequent eye exams to monitor changes. 

For more on how to prepare kids for a pediatric eye exam, visit Beachwood Family Eye Care in Beachwood, Ohio. Call (216) 815-1810 to schedule an appointment today.

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